
I find the word JOY interesting. Its meaning is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Other words that explain it are delight, jubilation, triumph, glee and bliss. What a happy word and it works everyday of the year.

Did you know that joy boosts our immune system, helps fight stress and even pain. It also improves our chances of living longer.  Wow, I like that idea!!

We need to look for the simple ways to find joy in everyday life especially now with that we are living with Covid.

What about…
Stop waiting to be happy.
Make self-care part of your routine.
Appreciate small things.
Look for new opportunities to be joyful about.
Most important — keep your circle filled with positive people and laugh more.

If you would like to feel and express joy right now, how would you do it? Put on a favorite song, dance, jump for joy, or think of something that makes you laugh or laugh or smile? One of these might just be the way to feel some instant joy..

Be inspired,

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