In intend to continue with active living. Which for me includes home activities, lifestyle choices, exercise, and healthy food choices.
Be inspired, Tanya
Well wishes for the new year!
As the old year ends and the New Year 2024 begins, we say goodbye to the past and welcome the future and all its whimsy. We lookahead with curiosity and wonder.
I would like to thank my family and friends for many adventures shared in 2023.
Looking forward with curiosity to 2024,wishing you and your loved ones laughter, love,cherished moments of togetherness surrounded by an abundance of faith, and good health.
Hoping to have more learning, adventure and fun one day at a time.Balance is so important in todays world as everyone seems to be rushing at top speed.
However you spend New Years with fireworks, playing games, eating and drinking or going to bed before midnight!!!! Enjoy the moment as the clock ticks.
-Be inspired, Tanya
International Friendship Day & National Girlfriends Day!
Hello folks, it has been a while but I want to celebrate and share, ”International Friendship Day” on Sunday, July 30, and “National Girlfriends Day Tuesday, August 1, 2023.
They both have common elements to them. We are social human beings and need contact with friends – COVID certainly proved this point! All the technology was helpful but I like to visit face to face. Beautiful friendship with caring people warms my heart. Guess what? I only know nice people!!
Friendship takes some work, if you want a friend you must be a friend. Some friends you have for life, others come and go, but they all leave memories. “Girlfriends” connect with us and become an ever-present source of sunny times, smiles, and much laughter, encouragement, and understanding. Hugs and understanding are greatly appreciated!!! For me, both my friends and girlfriends benefit my spirit.
To my circle of Sisterhood, a quote from Johnny Cash, “Happiness is being at peace; being with loved ones, being comfortable…But most of all, it’s having those loved ones.” Thanks to my sister circle I am blessed.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Be inspired,
New Years Resolution 2023….IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!
This expression is used by so many people these days, this is what it means to me. To just enjoy the process of life and let go of some of the outcomes that I am unable to control myself. Sometimes this can be difficult for me. BUT “it is what it is”!
My New Years’ Resolution for 2023 is to try something new and put myself out there for the experience.
Please stay tuned!
Looking to 2023 I wish everyone a healthy, positive attitude and much kindness toward each other.
Until next time,
Looking Towards 2022
2021 was mix of happy times and challenges for everyone. What I really learned is that life it what it is especially with Covid in the picture. I am hopeful that things are going to get better for everyone.
I have been struggling for the last two weeks to decide what my resolutions will be for 2022. My mum and sister keep telling me that I don’t have to put so much pressure on myself. That I should keep doing what I am doing by being a good human being, balancing work and fun, and living a healthy life. I get what they are saying but I am the kind of person who likes to set some goals each year. So, this is finally what I came up with:
2 – Balance in my work, my hobbies, what I eat, and what I watch
0 – To keep my body and my brain active
2 – Celebrate and enjoy the pastimes that make me happy
2 – Embrace new experiences
Happy New Year friends!
Be inspired,
Balance & Life In 2021
“And after a while, you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.
So plant your garden and decorate your soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn, that you can endure, that you really are strong.
And you really do have worth…” Anonymous
Even living in our “Bubble Covid life” its important for us to have balance in our lives. A balanced life means having time for our responsibilities and for the things that are fun. With the restrictions right now it is still possible to find balance perhaps in different ways. Maybe think of it as a fun new
For me, balance in my health is very important. I know I need a balanced diet mixed with fitness for my well being. But having a treat once in while is important too.
Sometimes balance is hard. We may know we need to do many things but if we don’t take action and start somewhere nothing will happen. Balance will not be possible and life might feel stressful.
I feel like this is a good reminder message. Balance can be tough but all we have to do is get up everyday and try.
Be Inspired,
I find the word JOY interesting. Its meaning is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Other words that explain it are delight, jubilation, triumph, glee and bliss. What a happy word and it works everyday of the year.
Did you know that joy boosts our immune system, helps fight stress and even pain. It also improves our chances of living longer. Wow, I like that idea!!
We need to look for the simple ways to find joy in everyday life especially now with that we are living with Covid.
What about…
Stop waiting to be happy.
Make self-care part of your routine.
Appreciate small things.
Look for new opportunities to be joyful about.
Most important — keep your circle filled with positive people and laugh more.
If you would like to feel and express joy right now, how would you do it? Put on a favorite song, dance, jump for joy, or think of something that makes you laugh or laugh or smile? One of these might just be the way to feel some instant joy..
Be inspired,
Happy New Year
Hi Friends!
Congratulations – Today in your 6th day of 2021.
We have 359 new days and 359 new chances! Wow!
Remember what Dr. Seuss said –
“You are safe at home.
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”
Happy New Year Everyone! May all of your doubt, sorrows and troubles stay behind in the passing year and let 2021 be filled with laughter and positive thoughts.
Sending you a big virus free hug.
Be inspired,
Losing A Friend
Losing someone we care about is so hard for us and means different things to each person.
On Monday, October 26, I lost my friend and advocacy partner in crime, Joey Moss.
In celebrating you I remember…
Your genuine kindness and how you loved children.
The joy of sharing your family get togethers and figuring out which person belonged to which brother or sister. Wow, what a big, loud family!
Your enthusiasm on the dance floor. You always lasted longer than me.
You and Stephen coming to my house for ’Spaghetti dinners”. We has so many laughs.
Our trip to Clinton, Ontario as guest speakers for the “Dream Big” presentation. The Limo ride we had from Toronto to Clinton…we fell asleep while Mum and Barb drank wine. Some chaperones! We laughed so hard when we stopped in the limo to use the washroom at a McDonalds and people were so curious about who we were. We joked “no pictures”.
We felt good about our presentation but had tired hands from signing autographs for an hour. On the flight home the Pilot invited us into the cockpit. How cool! People were so kind to us wherever we went.
Being one of your guests when you were inducted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame.
The experience of my Mum almost losing you, “our National Treasure”, at the Chamber Ball one year. This is a story for another time!!!
In all of our adventures together we were able to leave others feeling warm, happy, and hopeful. We always felt proud of this.
Joey, I believe you will not have to worry about hearing aids and glasses in heaven… if you know what I mean!
Continue to dance and sing. Your star will shine bright every night!
Thank you for the memories we made along the way. I will look out and care for your family .
Be at peace, my friend.
Love, Tanya
Thought on Corona Virus
Hi everyone! Its Tanya. Today I want to talk about the coronavirus and keep you updated on my life, how it’s changed, and all of the things I am enjoying and learning.
Me, my mom and sister Michelle were in Hawaii when the coronavirus started. I was nervous because I wanted to get home safely and be in my comfort zone. When I came back I did have to stay away from people, but I was not alone – I was surrounded by my family (mom and sister) and I knew how important it was, and still is, to stay healthy.
There were many changes that took place at the end of of February and the first weekend in March, when coronavirus first started. One of those changes was my workouts. I wasn’t able to workout at the same place I was used to, because it closed. I also wasn’t able to go out and do things I enjoy, like going for coffee, sitting down at a restaurant, going grocery shopping or shopping for clothes. I also had to change my schedule around, including work, and family and friend time —which taught me how to be more flexible.
With the changes that have happened I have decided to be strong and upbeat and start everyday happy with a smile on my face. With being flexible, I had to change the types of things I do every day. I have been playing, doing puzzles, listening to music, colouring, calling people on the phone and watching TV and movies. With these activities, I am making sure I stay home so that I can keep myself and others safe.
Right now, I feel lots of support, light and love in my life! I am a caring person and often find myself thinking about others and how they feel. I am happy that I am still able to stay active and eat good meals. I am also very thankful for my family and friends! Many good things have happened since COVID-19 first started. Those things include having more time to relax and spend with my sister and my mom. I’ve also been able to explore the outdoors more.
I want to learn more about the coronavirus. I can get a little afraid when thinking about it and how long it and social distancing will be around, and the chances of a loved one getting sick. Also, sometimes I can find myself getting angry when listening to the news and the constant information. Instead of becoming too upset, I think about how the coronavirus has taught me, my loved ones and everyone else important life lessons.
Thank you all for reading my post. I am making this blog because I want to remind everyone to do their part as caring citizens for the health and safety of everyone.
Be inspired,